N96 MSEM87 gfw...GW: NO87= MS Run-Time Library - Copyright (c) 1988, Microsoft Corp [7m CALIBRATION/VERIFICATION OF THE PM 6681 INTERPOLATORS [m Please review your test setup. Do you want to try again (y/n)? Program terminated on request. Program terminated due to error condition. BASIC CONTROLLER REQUIREMENTS: PC: type AT or better with printer conn. to parallel port LPT1 MEMORY: at least 256 kB RAM INTERFACE: IEEE-488 (IEC-625) Philips PM 2201 or equiv. Adapter number: 7 DEVICE DRIVERS: GPIB.COM in root directory + ANSI.SYS DOS VERSION: 3.2 or later INSTRUMENTS USED: Device Under Test: PM 6681 Pulse Generator: PM 5781 LF Synthesizer: PM 5193S (or similar manually controlled) Bus Addresses: individual within range 1-29 INSTRUCTIONS: Connect PM 6681, PM 5781 and PM 5193S to the PC bus interface. Connect PM 5781 output A to PM 6681 input A. Connect PM 5193S output A to PM 5781 input EXT IN. Connect 10 MHz external reference to PM 5193S and PM 6681. (frequency deviation < 1.0E-8) Press [7m ENTER [m when you are ready to start. [5;7m INITIATION IN PROGRESS, PLEASE WAIT [m 1.0 [7m BUS ADDRESSES REQUESTED: [m Error condition detected. Do you want to restart? (y/n) ENTER IDENTITY CODE: (example: SM 812) *CLS;*RST PLSMOD SGL;TRGLVL 0.0;IMP LO PER 5.01E-6;DLY 8.0E-9;DUR 4.0E-9 LEE 3.0E-9;TRE 3.0E-9;HIL 4.0;LOL -4.0 MOF9.9E3WSLD0LA16AC1 :STAT:PRES;*PSC 1;*PMC *IDN? *OPT? :FUNC "PWID 1" OUTP ON, A Correct input signal to DUT missing. Do you want to calibrate the interpolators (y/n)? This instrument has been calibrated at least once. Do you really want to recalibrate (y/n)? This instrument has not been calibrated. Don't you want to do it now (y/n)? :SYST:TEMP? Calibration temperature too high (> +28 C). Calibration temperature too low (< +18 C). Calibration interrupted due to possible hardware error. Final verification starts in a few seconds. Calibration result indicates hardware error. Do you want to verify the interpolators (y/n)? Calibration/Verification ready. Do you want to calibrate/verify another PM6681 (y/n)? TRGSRC EXT [5;7m FINAL VERIFICATION IN PROGRESS [m TRGSRC INT :CALC:AVER:COUNT %d DUR %g Calibration interrupted by operator. VERIFICATION OF CALIBRATION IN PROGRESS Test range:%7.2lf ns - %.2lf ns Now testing:%6.2lf ns Resolution:%7.2lf ns The process can be stopped with 'ESC' (after some delay). This result is saved. :SYST:UNPR;:DIAG:CAL:INT:SAVE This result is not saved. The best value so far: %.2lf ns :DIAG:CAL:INT:RECALL OUTP OFF :FUNC "TINT 1,2" OUTP ON, A DUR %g OUTP OFF :FUNC "PWID 1" OUTP ON, A %+8.0f%12.2E%10.2E%10.2E%10.2E%10.2E%10.2E%3c%c%c *CLS;:STAT:PRES;*ESE 1;*SRE 32 :DIAG:CAL:INT:COUNT 260000 [7m [2J [2;2H [2;79H [2;%dH [%d;2H [%d;79H [24;2H [24;79H [24;%dH [m [5;18H [1;5m CALIBRATION OF INTERPOLATORS IN PROGRESS [m [10;27H PLEASE DON'T DISTURB! [15;18H [7mThis procedure is invoked several times and [16;23Htakes about 25 seconds each time. [m [20;20H Time since calibration started: [s 0 s [m :DIAG:CAL:INT:AUTO ONCE;*OPC *CLS;*ESE 0;*SRE 0 %cEnter the address of PM %s (1-29):%c The address of %s seems to be wrong.%c Address outside permitted range (1-29). This address is used by another instrument. Try again! Are you going to use a manually controlled LF synthesizer (y/n)? Use the following settings: Sine wave 9.9 kHz, 16 Vpp Press [7m ENTER [m when you are ready to go on. 5193S %d ID? 5193 PM 5193S 5781 %d *IDN? 5781 PM 5781 6681 %d *IDN? 6681 PM 6681 *PUD? CALPLS %*s %lf TMP %*s %lf NULL string found instead of calibration data %s Wrong answer. Try again! :SYST:TIME:POW? CALIBRATION VERIFICATION %s STARTS WHEN 'TIME AFTER POWER ON' EXCEEDS %d MINUTES Please wait while the timer below counts to %d minutes. [1;7m DON'T DISTURB! [m :SYST:TIME:POW? [8;1HNow the time is [5;7m %d [m minute%s. [25;80H 19 20 FACTORY CALIBRATED: %s%s %s, CALPLS: %4.2lfns, TMP: %+1.0lf #2%d%s Information written in 'Protected User Data Area': %s :SYST:UNPR;*PUD %s *PUD? Error when comparing 'data in' and 'data out' in PUD area. Data found in PUD area: %c %s TEST PROGRAM VERSION TEST DATA * PM6681 %s%-38s%s%-8s* TIME: * DATE: %s%-14s%s%-47s* * IDENTITY CODE: %s%-58.57s* VERIFICATION OF INTERPOLATOR CALIBRATION * TASK: %s%-67s* * Identification Query: %-75s* * %-73.72s* * %-73.72s* * T ( C) CAL PLS (s) MIN SDEV MEAN SDEV MEAN SPEC MAX SDEV MAX SPEC P/F * [23;1HCalibration error! Clock reset. Press 'ESC' [u%3ld [25;80H MOF1E3WSLD0LA1AC0 HIL +0.2;LOL -0.2;OUTP OFF :READ? :CALC:AVER:STAT ON;TYPE SDEV;*OPC *OPC? :CALC:DATA? :CALC:AVER:STAT OFF :FETCH? *ESE 0;*SRE 0;*CLS;*RST 'Attenuation' must be 1 or 10. :INP1:ATT %d :INP2:ATT %d :INP1:ATT %d;:INP2:ATT %d 'Channels' must be CHA, CHB or CHALL. ON OFF ONCE 'Auto_trig' must be YES, NO or ONCE. :INP1:LEV:AUTO %s :INP2:LEV:AUTO %s :INP1:LEV:AUTO %s;:INP2:LEV:AUTO %s 'Channels' must be CHA, CHB or CHALL. :INP2:COMM ON :INP2:COMM OFF 'Common' must be YES or NO. AC DC 'Coupling' must be AC or DC. :INP1:COUP %s :INP2:COUP %s :INP1:COUP %s;:INP2:COUP %s 'Channels' must be CHA, CHB or CHALL. :ACQ:APER %lg :AVER:STATE OFF :AVER:STATE ON 'Single_meas' must be YES or NO. MIN MAX 'Impedance' must be 50 or 1E6. :INP1:IMP %s;:INP2:IMP %s 'Channels' must be CHA, CHB or CHALL. :INP%d:IMP %s :SYST:TOUT:TIME 0.0 :SYST:TOUT OFF :SYST:TOUT:TIME %lg :SYST:TOUT ON 'Trig_level' out of range. 'Channels' must be CHA, CHB or CHALL. :INP1:LEV %lg :INP2:LEV %lg :INP1:LEV %lg;:INP2:LEV %lg POS NEG 'Slope' must be POSITIVE or NEGATIVE. :INP1:SLOPE %s :INP2:SLOPE %s :INP4:SLOPE %s :INP1:SLOPE %s;:INP2:SLOPE %s;:INP4:SLOPE %s 'Channels' must be CHA, CHB, CHE or CHALL. :INIT:CONT ON :INIT:CONT OFF 'Cont_init' must be YES or NO. :ABORT;:INIT :ABORT :ROSC:SOURCE EXT :ROSC:SOURCE INT 'Ext_ref' must be YES or NO. (c) Copyright 1986, National Instruments Unknown error Invalid adapter number or device address Value out of range Timeout Adapter must be controller in charge No meaning Invalid number Improper addressing Input string too big String too long Illegal error number! GPIB0 GPIB1 ab ;C_FILE_INFO (null) (null) +- # TZ PST PDT SunMonTueWedThuFriSat JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 010203040506070809101112 M61xx 1#NAN 1#INF 1#IND e+000 C<> R6000 - stack overflow R6003 - integer divide by 0 R6009 - not enough space for environment run-time error R6002 - floating point not loaded R6001 - null pointer assignment : MATH - floating-point error: invalid denormal divide by 0 overflow underflow inexact unemulated square root stack overflow stack underflow explicitly generated